Chelsea crowns first half champions
Published 11:28 pm Thursday, April 23, 2009
Chelsea Youth Baseball crowned its first half champions Tuesday night.
In the Farm League, the Orioles took the 5 and 6 year olds championship, while the Braves won the 7 and 8 year olds. The Braves beat the 7/8 Orioles, 16-8. Big hitters for the Braves were: Ben Brasher, Chase Peoples, Hunter Peoples, Mitchell Beck and Jacob Tinnell. Collin Heisler and Nicholas McNeill kept the Orioles in the game early with key hits.
In the 9 and 10 year olds Minor League, the Dodgers beat the Mets, 13-9. The Dodgers pounded 14 hits en route to its 13 runs. Winning pitcher was Lee Rickard with eight strikeouts on the mound. Justin Coman was credited with the save.
The Dogers won the Freshman League.