Oak Mountain High School, class of 2009
Published 4:49 pm Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Oak Mountain’s graduation ceremony will be Thursday, May 21 at 7 p.m. at Bartow Arena on the UAB campus.
Class of 2009
Megan Corinne Abernathy
Evelin Aide Acevedo
Evan Farrell Acton
Sarah Anne Adamson
Kristina Elise Akins
George Frederick Allers III
Kathryn Davis Allison
Leigh Elise Allison
Christian Devonte’ Anderson
Katheryn Elizabeth Anderson
Clark Nikolas Andrich
Tony Dominic Antonio
Andres Aristizabal
Catherine Lillie Atkinson
Davis Jordan Bagwell
Carmen Martel Bailey
Lauren Nicole Bailey
Jessica Ann Baker
William Alexander Ballew
Rebecca LeAnn Balliet
Molly Randall Barksdale
Emilee Graham Barrow
Kaitlin Michelle Bartlett
Allyson Leigh Bean
Alyssa Danielle Bennett
Olivia Anne Berryhill
Tammy Lynn Bishop
John Michael Blakely
Peter Ryan Boehme
Tyler Ray Bolton
Catherine Elizabeth Bonner
Lindsay Mary Borgschulte
Sean Matthew Bowman
Samantha Rachael Boykin
Eric Christopher Bradt
Daniel Jackson Brasher
Jacob Aaron Braswell
Amber Elizabeth Brewer
Justin Hunter Brewer
Matthew Allen Brewer
Shane David Brogdon
Lauren Marie Brokaw
Megan Lynn Bryant
Taylor Louise Bullard
Amanda Joy Burch
Richard Garrick Burdette
Blake Oliver Burell
Matthew Scott Burnett
Natalie Jane Burns
Brian Lee Butler
Morgan Britt Butler
Lindsey Rose Camp
Christopher Blake Campbell
Nicholas Philip Cantwell
Adam Michael Carder
Matthew Alexander Carlisle
Katherine Margaret Carnes
Amanda Nell Carpenter
Erin Marie Carpenter
Ariel Denise Casey
Nicholas Patrick Chandler
Austin Ladd Chiarella
Jin Won Choi
Wilson Garrett Christenberry
Brooke Charity Chumley
John Garrett Clemons
Courtney Alise Click
Ethan William Cobia
Logan Thomas Coffey
Darryl Orlando Cole
Homer Beauregard Coleman III
Jonathan Quinn Coley
Cory Lee Collins
Daniel Paul Combs
Jessica Ashley Cooley
Zachary Allen Corbett
Caroline Marie Cotton
Dillon Wade Crawford
Haley Nicole Crawford
Daina Michele Creel
Allison Taylor Cunningham
Allie Alaine Curlette
Taylor Martin Curry
Elizabeth Ann D’Amico
Jared Jeffrey Daniel
William Charles Davidson
Charles Edwin Davis
Emily Brown Daviston
Amanda Catherine DeAraujo
Jayde Danielle DeLozier
Seth Thomas Denney
Tatum Elizabeth Denson
Thomas Stuart DePriest
Robert Allen DeVore
Roscoe Gregory Dobbins
Micah William King Dodd
Reese Ellison Dunton
Adam Coleman Eaton
Kimberlynn Elizabeth Edge
Thomas Chase Edge
Casey Michele Edmunds
Robert Wesley Elmore
Jacob George Epperson
Maegan Elizabeth Estes
Lauren Elizabeth Everett
Erika Dawn Everitte
Martha Kate Lauren Falkner
Caroline Elizabeth Favorite
Alec Michael Ferreiro
Michelle Lauren Fish
Hannah Legare Flayhart
Luke Anthony Fleming
Anna Ruth Fogle
Joseph Bradley Fowler
Alexandra Marie Fredrick
William James Fuhrmeister
Matthew Cecil Fuller
Taylor Nicole Galvin
Hanna Marie Gamble
Sara Jane Gardner
Jacob Thomas Garris
Christin Elizabeth Gaskill
Alisha Ghosh
Layken Elizabeth Gibbs
Louise Elizabeth Gibson
Caroline Emily Elise Gilbert
Sam William Globetti
Lauren Renee Gorman
Haley Elyse Gossett
Alexander Philip Gouin
Audra Christine Graham
Samuel Richardson Green
Harshmeet Singh Grewal
Lesley Ann Griffin
Benjamin James Griner
Caylee Rae Griner
Naura Edith Guillaume
Cassandra Haley Guillebeau
Jordan Mattox Gwarjanski
Emma Katherine Haddock
Nicholas William Hammett
David Mason Hammond
Jeffrey Stephen Haney
Timothy Brandon Harstvedt
Jessica Lyn Hartlein
Cody Neal Hartley
Rebecca Ashley Hassell
Amanda Elizabeth Havens
Kasey O’Neal Hayes
Amanda Kerri Headrick
Amanda Kathryn Healy
Jessika Le Heard
Alana Revell Helms
Elizabeth Ann Henderson
Claude Francis Hendrickson IV
Andrew Lee Hendrix
Michael Andrew Henry
Sydney Louise Herndon
Morgan Danae Higdon
Jordan Elise Hill
Kevin Alexander Hill
Jon Chandler Hoffman
Jonathan Wayne Hoggle
Samantha Ann Holbert
Jeffrey Paul Houser
Taylor Cameron Houston
Rachel Virginia Howell
Devin Jon Huey
Amber Lee Hughes
Brady Russell Humphryes
Kevin Matthew Hunt
Chinazor Judith Iwuaba
Blake Dean Jackson
James Woodrow Jeter
Bethany Kay Johnson
Joseph Garrison Johnson
Amanda Kathleen Jones
Bethany Tayler Jones
Brandon Michael Christopher Jones
Nicole Yvette Jones
Stacey Elizabeth Jones
Robert Dobson Kicker
Sung-Sik Kim
Rachel Marie Knight
Zachary Joseph Knight
Kayla Leigh Krininger
Anna Louise Krueger
Carrene Augusta Langlois
Chase Andre Lauzon
Mason Lott Lavallet
Laura Jean LeCroy
Brittany Leigh Lenning
Alyssa Michelle Lenox
Jennifer Leigh Lewis
Lucia Leyva
Melissa Yu-Ching Lin
Samantha Yu-Shan Lin
Emily Gail Lindsey
Evelyn Ashley Little
Matthew Walker Long
Stephanie Agaza Long
Tania Denisse Lpez Santiago
Tobie Simon Pieter Loubser
Erica Delynn Lovelady
Anne Marie Lovell
Whitney Shea Lowery
Jonathan Grant Lucas
Scott Michael Lukich II
Jonathan Taylor Lusco
Beatriz Maciel Melchor
Ronnie Ray Mack, Jr.
Larry Clifford Maddox, Jr.
Andrew John Malinoski
Rebecca Morgan Mansfield
Christina Marie Marinelli
Patrick Andrew Markus
Nataley Jo Marquass
Patrick Emery Marsch
Beatrice Nicole Marshall
Judson Mitchell Martin
Ronald Cody Martin
Elizabeth Ann Marxen
Dylan Michael Massey
Haley Anne Massey
Zachary Paul May
Madeline Lauren McClendon
Ashley Elizabeth McClurg
Alexander Edward McCullough
Haley Brooke McDaniel
Julia Eve McDonald
Ryan Andrew McElroy
Christopher Newman McEwen
Marcus Lindsey McGowan
Taylor John McGreer
Earnest Wade McGuire
Eric William McKelvy
Drew Taylor McKnight
Tyler Maxwell McLeod
Kevin Patrick McMahon
Timothy McMillan II
Megan Ashlie McNair
Michael Gray McQueen
Matthew Joseph Melancon
Heather Lauren Merrick
Amanda Elise Metcalfe
Jordan O’Brien Middleton
Jared Warren Mitchell
Jordan Patterson Mitchell
Nasir Sultan Mohammed
Michael Everett Montiel
Robert Gonzalo Montiel
Donna McCray Moon
Seth Daniel Moran
Marsena Catherine Morgan
Claire Eleise Morris
Mallory Frances Morrison
Robert Armistead Moseley
Quintez Matias-Jamal Moseley
Ryan Kyle Mundy
Bernardo Munoz III
Jonathan Aloysius Murphy
Kimberlyn Danielle Muse
John Matthew Newton
Teresa Hoang Lan Nguyen
Matthew Vincent Nicosia
Nozomi Niida
Chelsea Taylor Niles
Mary Jessica Norris
Leah Diane Northcutt
Shohei Ochiai
Rebecca Ann Oglesby
Christine Elizabeth Orrison
Drake Edward Ott
Alissa Brooke Overton
Michelle Packmohr
Marina Latoya Paglio
Amanda Rose Parker
Madison Elizabeth Parker
William Hollis Parker
Nicholas Allen Parks
Kushal Urmish Patel
Radha Patel
Kelsey Rae Patrick
Phillip Barrett Paulk
Hailey Elizabeth Payne
Kala Joanna Marie Payne
Michael Page Peden
Keyosha Shanee Pendleton
Yueqi Joyce Peng
Patrick Bailey Perry
Virginia Leigh Pettry
Vuong Quoc Pham
William Patrick Phillips
Brandon Rashad Pickens
James Billingsley Pierce
Matthew Patrick Player
Kara Ann Ponder
Paul Joseph Porter
Chase McClendon Prater
Karen Marie Proctor
Matthew Haug Prosch
Anna Katherine Quinn
Courtney Marie Ragan
Colby James Ray
Samantha Marie Ray
Robert Benjamin Reid
Adolfo Francisco Reyes Cruz
Kevan Michael Reynolds
Laura Elizabeth Rich
Jessica Anne-Marie Ritchey
Thomas Hudon Rives
Shannon Nicole Robinson
Jillian Catherine Roche
Nicole Rodriguez
Lindsey Cameron Rogers
Leah Elena Sain
Sean Edwin Sakaguchi
Laura Sanchez Perez
Erinn Elizabeth Savage
Lauren Marie Schauwecker
Aaron Clayton Schencker
Christine Elizabeth Schweer
Joseph Andrew Scotch IV
Nicholas Tillman Scott
Lindsey Marie Self
Owen Anthony Selles
Meagan Elizabeth Silas
Sarah Elizabeth Skelton
Nicole Jean Slawinski
Stephen Joseph Smart
Victoria Nicole Snider
Moriah Wilhelmina Snow
Sarah Catherine Sockwell
Kathryn Danielle Spencer
David William Stanley
Trevor Mabry Staub
Ashley Marie Stephens
Andrew Leftwich Stone
Katherine Barron Strickland
Matthew Aaron Stroup
Christopher Lee Stubbings
Jordan Ballard Sullivan
John Michael Sutton
Zachary Mark Swanson
Keith Jennings Swofford
Zehra Nikohl Syed
Gabriella Nicole Talentino
Alexander Paulman Tam
Shayna Mercedes Tankersley
Jessika Rae Tapia
Desiree Elizabeth Thomas
Joseph Robert Thomason
Lauren Claire Thomasson
Jeremy Travis Thompson
Jordan Brooke Thompson
Pratyusha Thundena
Ivy Elizabeth Tidwell
Sarah Elizabeth Tolbert
Richard Earl Trent III
Kirsten Elizabeth Tuggle
Anna Elizabeth Turner
Joy Marie Underwood
Adam Lee Valentine
Elisabetta Loren Valenza
Lauren Elaine Vaughan
Stefan LB Vaziri
Juanita Villa Jimenez
Merissa Danielle Vincent
Kimberly Rene Vinyard
Devin Rene Von Pingel
Rachel Lynn Wagnon
Matthew Thomas Walker
Bret Evan Wallace
Michaela Vae Walton
Kathryn Lorraine Warden
Megan Renae Ware
William Arthur Watts II
Aaron James Webb
Spencer Wrilen Webb
Alexandra Laine White
Mary Francis White
Daniel Alexander Whittemore
Kayla Blair Whyard
Ian Tyler Wiggins
Lyle Christine Wilkerson
Kendall Marie Williamson
Lauren Ashleigh Wilson
Jennifer Lee Wirt
Mark Connor Wise
Sarah Elizabeth Wood
Zachary Blake Woolley
Sarah Ellen Wright
Morgan Rachael Wuth
Raymond Gage Yancey
Adam Carr Zahorscak