Getting safer all the time
Published 11:23 am Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Both Chelsea and Helena recently benefited from work done by their fire departments.
Chelsea’s Fire Department worked hard to get through physical trials and training programs, looking to eventually compete in the Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge, a national competition for municipal fire departments.
The Chelsea department isn’t just looking for fame, though. The firefighters know if they’re in good enough physical condition to compete in the Combat Challenge, they’re in good enough physical condition to save as many lives as possible.
The Helena Fire Department moved into the top 3 percent of all fire departments in Alabama by attaining a Class 3 ISO rating. Citizens can look to benefit financially from the achievement, as moving to a higher class can mean insurance premiums go down.
The Helena Fire Department had to make distinct improvements to move to a higher class, such as adding personnel and equipment, and building a new fire station.
We’re thankful that we have such dedicated fire and rescue personnel in our county, and that they are able to get the financial and community backing they need to continue to grow along with the county’s population.
All of our fire and police personnel, who work hard to protect and serve our citizens every day, help make this county a wonderful — and safe — place to live.