Locals provide for kids
Published 3:18 pm Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The economy is in a bad state, and people are saving their money for a crisis. Even so, some are making sure the important things are still being taken care of.
Two good Samaritans, the Inverness Rotary District 6860 and Praxair, are helping children by opening their pocketbooks for worthy causes, such as children’s medical care and libraries.
The Inverness Rotary District 6860 has helped the Children’s Hospital better their critical care transport services. Their donation of $1 million will help children receive the care they need.
There is nothing more heartbreaking than a sick child. Luckily, we have a hospital specializing in children’s care.
The Children’s Hospital has been a home and hope for many terminally ill children.
For years families have trusted their loved ones to the compassionate staff at the hospital.
The money donated will likely give those families the security they need. Their children will be able to be transported quickly in a time of need.
I am very impressed with the Praxair company’s donation to the Mt Laurel Public Library.
The $10,000 donation will eventually help to build the library.
All citizens should take advantage of libraries, which help you save money by providing books and movies you can check out instead of buying them.
Even more important, children benefit from a good library program by developing reading and writing skills that are crucial to a good education.
Most libraries have programs for children that help them learn songs and reading in group settings. These things help prepare them for school.
Education is very important. The growth of this County depends on our youth getting the education they need.
Charity is a choice. These groups did not have to donate money to help those in need. However, by doing so they are sure to make a big difference and a positive impact on the community.