Non–denominational Community Bible study thrives
Published 3:25 pm Monday, April 12, 2010
The place to be blessed on Monday mornings is at Columbiana United Methodist Church (CUMC), where 133 women gather each week.
This group, called Community Bible Study, is part of an interdenominational Bible study comprised of 121,560 individuals, in 2,040 Bible studies, with 13,289 volunteer leaders worldwide.
In 2009, CBS represented 11 cities and towns, 14 denominations, 36 different churches and one synagogue — a true community group.
CBS’s birth in south Shelby began 14 years ago in the home of Carol Hill of Columbiana with five other women desiring to learn more about the Bible. Kelly Gage of Wilsonville taught the small group.
The Bible study soon moved to CUMC. Katie Robertson, formerly of Columbiana, followed Gage as teacher. After Robertson’s move to Mississippi six years ago, Peg Hill took over.
Hill’s leadership team consists of Marsha Parsons, assistant teaching director; Ouida Mayfield, coordinator; Sue Wammack, children’s director; and Annette Martin, prayer chairman.
In addition, there are seven core leaders who are facilitators of the small groups that CBS divides into each morning. These small groups become like a family to share, study, pray and lift up each member. Current core leaders and their assistants are: Dolores Jones, Laura Ludwig, Gail Davis, Suellen Vittitow; Penny Kovakas, Lohner Frances McLeroy, Nell Prosch, Nancy Drakos, Susan Minor, Patty Ingram, Betty Broome, Betty Holcombe, Brenda Seale and Annette Martin.
Each summer, the leadership team travels to Colorado Springs, Colo., for an intensive, four-day training session. The 2009-2010, 30-week study has been on Genesis. Next fall, CBS will study Revelations.
Beginning at 9:45 a.m., the format includes fellowship and refreshments, opening worship, small core group study and prayer, lesson lecture and closing by 11:30 a.m.
CBS is living its mission in our community, “to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring in–depth Bible study, available to all.”
If you are interested in joining, call Peg Hill 669-0420 or Ouida Mayfield 669-7813 by July 31. The 30-week study of Revelation will begin in August with an opening coffee. As the closing states, “Go and be blessed. Go and be a blessing.”
Phoebe Robinson can be reached by e–mail at