Neighbors help each other in Fourmile
Published 3:26 pm Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dear Editor,
Volunteer Firefighters provide a vital service ensuring the safety of the Fourmile community. Their motto is “Neighbors helping neighbors.” Recently, this fact was brought home to me in a dramatic fashion.
At 5:30 a.m. there was a loud bang coming from a power line that had burst into flames.
Within five minutes of my family member calling 911, four neighbor firefighters were on the scene and quickly extinguished the flames. When I called the Volunteer Chairman of the Fire Board, Sallie Farmer, I learned that only 200 of our 600 households pay their annual dues to maintain the emergency equipment used to serve the community.
The 2010 dues are $90 per household. Installment payments, as well as donations, are accepted.
In addition to fighting fires, the department responds to a variety of emergencies such as medical, accidents and missing children.
They responded to 18 calls in February alone. Each call adds to the cost of maintaining the emergency equipment.
Please be a neighbor helping neighbors by contributing to keeping the community safe. Send dues and contributions to P.O. Box 768, Wilsonville, Ala. 35186.
Again, many thanks to the members of the Fourmile Fire Department and those good neighbors who help support through actions and dues.