A night at the ballet
Published 11:04 am Wednesday, August 8, 2012
By KATIE MCDOWELL/Lifestyles Editor
The Alabama Ballet is coming to Shelby County in September.
The ARts and Lectures Club of Shelby County will sponsor a 30-minute performance of about six members of the ballet on Sept. 13 at St. Vincent’s One Nineteen in Hoover.
ALCSC Chair Mindy Boggs said the organization’s mission is twofold: To support the professional artists in the Birmingham area and to bring arts performances to Shelby County.
“(Highway) 280 is such a barrier between the suburbs and downtown because of the traffic congestion,” Boggs said.
“The Alabama Ballet at St. Vincent’s One Nineteen” will be held in the gymnasium and will have seating for about 100 people.
Megan Cottle, executive director of The Alabama Ballet, said she and Artistic Director Tracey Alvey visited One Nineteen earlier this year and were excited the idea.
“We thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to do a high-caliber performance in an unconventional venue,” Cottle said.
Cottle said the dancers will perform scenes from “Paquita,” a traditional ballet.
“We’re also going to be doing a more modern piece that was choreographed by one of our own dancers,” she said.
Following the performance, an after party, catered by A Stone’s Throw in Mt Laurel, will be held in the community room at One Nineteen.”
Professional childcare will be available for children four months to six years old.
Boggs said event organizers are still looking for both platinum sponsors at $500 and gold sponsors at $200.
“We wanted to make this really easy for small business owners to support the arts,” she said.
Performance tickets cost $25 for adults and $10 for children 12 and under. After party tickets, which include one drink ticket for wine or beer, cost $20 per person. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the performance begins at 7 p.m.
For more information about the performance and details of sponsorship opportunities, contact Rebecca Blythe at 910-0855 or Paige Kyser at 334-303-6355 or visit Artsandlecturesclubofshelbyco.com.