Pelham man sentenced for tax evasion
Published 11:56 am Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Pelham resident Shamim Ahmed Khan was sentenced in Shelby County Circuit Court on Nov. 19 to 10 years, which was split for the defendant to serve six months imprisonment and five years probation.
In addition, he was ordered to pay restitution to the State of Alabama totaling $1,721,996 in criminal and civil penalties and interest.
The charges came after Kahn pleaded guilty to charges of tobacco tax evasion and criminal possession of a forged instrument on Sept. 11.
Khan operates a wholesale company that distributes goods to retail convenience stores and was indicted by a Shelby County grand jury on Jan. 11. He is the owner and president of Capital LLC, which is located in Pelham and does business as Capital Wholesale and Distribution.
In September, Khan pleaded guilty for failing to pay $806,466 in state tobacco taxes for the period of February 2008 through April 2010. Khan also pleaded guilty to criminal possession of a forged instrument, which he admitted to filing with a public employee of the Department of Revenue for the State of Alabama in order to conceal his nonpayment of state tobacco taxes.
Deputy state attorney General Mike Duffy of the Attorney General’s Special Prosecution Division and Special Agent Jerome Dangerfield of the Alabama Department of Revenue’s Investigations Division assisted in the investigation.