Police stepping up patrols through July 4 weekend
Published 11:28 am Monday, July 1, 2013

The Pelham Police Department will up patrols through the Independence Day weekend in an effort to curb drunken driving cases. (File)
By NEAL WAGNER / City Editor
The Pelham Police Department will be “preparing for the worst and hoping for the best” to curb drunken driving and firework violations through the Independence Day weekend.
Pelham Police Department Capt. Larry Palmer said the holiday sometimes brings spikes of drunken driving cases, and said the department will be stepping up patrols to prevent them.
“We are going to strengthen our patrols for the holiday,” Palmer said. “With DUIs, it comes and goes. Some years we see a lot and some years we don’t.”
Palmer said he was unsure how the holiday’s placement on a Thursday will affect DUI cases and other criminal activity.
“I think with the holiday falling on a Thursday this year, it may cut down on it a little bit. It will be short and sweet,” Palmer said. “But I hear some companies are letting their employees off on Friday too, so it will be a long weekend.
“We will be prepared in anticipation for anything,” Palmer said.
Palmer also said fireworks are illegal in Pelham city limits, and said officers typically respond to multiple fireworks reports in the days surrounding July 4.
“We do usually get several fireworks reports,” Palmer said. “It’s supposed to rain on Wednesday, so at least we aren’t going into it with a two-week dry spell.”