Let freedom ring in Alabaster
Published 9:42 am Friday, July 5, 2013

Remember to take time to reflect on the importance of July 4 during this Independence Day weekend. (Contributed)
By SANDRA THAMES / Community Columnist
The Webster’s Dictionary definition for “independent” is self-supporting or free from the control of others. Teenagers might wish to be independent from control of their parents but perhaps they forgot the self-supporting portion.
In the 1760s-1770s the American colonists were longing for freedom from the English crown rule. Colonists were on strict guidelines as to what was allowed and what might land you in jail or on the gallows. Many months of planning, discussion, drafting, different meetings and difficult travel were finally brought together (mainly through the efforts of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams) on July 4, 1776 in the creation and signing of the Declaration of Independence. The document market the break of the colonists from English rule.
John Adams predicted that July 4 would be a memorable day of celebration for centuries to come.
“A day of deliverance, solemn acts of devotion to God filled with pomp, parade, shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward, forever more,” Adams said.
Whether you had a family get-together, barbeque, attended a parade, watched spectacular fireworks, went to a ballgame, political speech or charity fundraiser, heard a gun salute, saw an air show or watched one of the inspiring concerts on television, I hope you took the time to remember what the Fourth of July should represent to us today.
Alabaster or Shelby County cannot compare to Boston, Washington, New York, Chicago or Philadelphia, but I was much pleased and impressed with the recent fireworks programs at Veterans Park and Westwood Church and other celebrations of our Independence Day commemoration.
It took much determination for our original colonies to decide they wanted freedom and to know that being self-supporting was going to be a long and difficult course. Lots of ups and downs, complaints, wars, stock market crashes and tragedies later we remain America the beautiful.