Chelsea Park student received Girl Scout Bronze Award
Published 2:25 pm Monday, November 18, 2013
By SHELBA NIVENS / Community Columnist
Chelsea Park Elementary School student Jordan Mann recently earned the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn.

Jordan Mann, Chelsea Park Elementary School student and a member of Girl Scout Troop 178, was recently awarded a Girl Scout Bronze Award for a project she led at YMCA camps. (contributed)
Jordan, a member of Troop 178, was awarded the Girl Scout Bronze Award for her project “It’s Your Story, Scrapbook It.” Girl Scout Juniors are in the fourth or fifth grade.
“This award recognizes that a Girl Scout Junior has gained the leadership and planning skills required to follow through with a project that makes a positive difference in her community,” said Robyn Tucker, Communications Coordinator for Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama.
“Jordan helped kids learn how to scrapbook to tell their own stories. She led the sessions for YMCA summer camps and for other Girl Scouts,” she added. “Jordan and the children she taught learned about the importance of saving memories and to have confidence in their work. Girl Scouting gives every girl access to life-changing experiences that inspire her to do something big.”
Paola Marquez and Tifany Alvarado, fifth-graders at Thompson Intermediate School, and members of Girl Scout Troop 761, also earned the Girl Scout Bronze Medal, along with Jordan.
According to Tucker, Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama is a United Way community partner and serves more than 15,000 girl members, ages 5-17, and 5,000 volunteers, in programs across 36 counties.
Persons wishing to learn more about programs offered by Girl Scouts, their Shelby County facilities, volunteering or registering a daughter may call 800-734-4541 or check out the website at