End may be in sight for Ballantrae water tap fees
Published 11:53 am Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ballantrae has paid an estimated $2 million in enhanced water fees over about 10 years to offset the cost of infrastructure built to bring water to the development. (Contributed)
By MOLLY DAVIDSON / Staff Writer
PELHAM—After 10 years, Ballantrae may see an end to the enhanced water tap fees charged to the development. Steve Mobley of Mobley Developments, Inc., owner of Ballantrae, brought the issue to the Pelham City Council during a May 12 work session.
Homes in Ballantrae currently pay an additional $500 each in extra water tap fees, part of a “handshake agreement” with the previous owners and continued under the ownership of Mobley Developments, Inc., Mobley explained to the City Council suggesting there was no written agreement regarding the extra fees.
The enhanced water tap fees were originally put in place to offset “the significant added cost” of an additional water tower and infrastructure built to carry water out to the site, City Council President Rick Hayes said in a May 13 phone interview.
Although he has “never seen the agreement,” Hayes said this type of situation is not unusual, especially in light of the special added facilities.
Over the years, Mobley estimated Ballantrae has paid nearly $2 million in enhanced water fees.
“With the homes that have been built in Ballantrae over the years, we have more than paid for the infrastructure that was done for the development,” Mobley said. “I would like nothing back, but going forward we pay what everyone else pays.”
The City Council made no decision on ending the additional water tap fees during the May 12 work session, as no written agreements were presented at the time. Councilman Ron Scott suggested recording the agreement in writing before presenting it again to the Council for a decision.