“We All Need To Travel Damascus Road”
Published 2:05 pm Tuesday, September 16, 2014
By Allen Farley / Guest Columnist
It may be hard for some people to believe, but everyone who walks into a church building is not a true follower of Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
The Bible’s book of Revelation (verse 12) tells us that the archangel Michael hurled Satan, and Satan’s angels, down to earth. Now, what do you suppose the evil one and approximately 3,000 former angels, (now evil spirits), have been doing?
Have you ever thought about the different races of people throughout history who have been victims of slavery?
Most adults in the U.S. today are familiar with the Bible story of Moses leading the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt. And, as southerners, we’re all too familiar with the shameful history of the African-American slave trade that ended in 1865 with the end of the American Civil War. But, are you aware of the massive number of Jewish families who were enslaved and forced to work in German factories prior to the defeat of the Nazi’s in 1945?
Several years ago a Jewish friend told me he would never own a BMW automobile. At first I didn’t understand that type of anger about things that occurred almost 70 years ago. But, when I started thinking about the stories he must have grown up hearing, (Horrible stories of separation, starvation, brutality, and gas chambers), I began to understand.
I have seen the hurt, anger, and distrust, in the eyes of African-Americans. I can’t say I wouldn’t be struggling with the same feelings if I had walked in their shoes. But, when will it end? Will Satan continue to separate generations of people with their memories?
Jesus gave Paul his Godly vision after blinding Saul. Today We All Need To Travel Damascus Road to get our sight back.
God Bless America!!!
Representative Farley’s email is allenfarley@bellsouth.net