Fred Nichols wins Regions Monster Walk bike
Published 3:35 pm Monday, January 5, 2015

Janie and Fred Nichols of Summerhill with granddaughter Marilyn (4) on the Regions bike that Nichols won from the Monster Walk drawing. Also pictured is Columbiana Branch Manager Jimmy Henderson, far right. (Contributed)
By Phoebe Donald Robinson / Community Columnist
Every Halloween, the Columbiana Merchants and Professionals Association sponsors the annual fall festival called Monster Walk, a family friendly event where thousands of children and adults come to Columbiana to trick and treat in a safe environment.
People line North and South Main Street and collect candy given out by the CMPA. Regions Columbiana Branch Manager Jimmy Henderson was the 2014 Monster Walk chair.
“Monster Walk is the CMPA way to give back to the community,” said Henderson. “I wanted to update Monster Walk this year and make it more fun by adding games with prizes. We also coordinated with both Columbiana United Methodist Church and First Baptist Church of Columbiana who had fall festivals. And we had a food drive for the Methodist Church’s food bank. Many agree that the additions were a huge success.”
Regions Bank also added a new twist for the third year, the annual drawing of a bike with matching helmet to an attendee. Fred Nichols of Summerhill won the bike for his four year old granddaughter Marilyn Nichols. Nichols and wife Janie moved from Hoover to Summerhill more than 36 years ago to be close to his father who had moved to the area.
“Janie and I go every year to Monster Walk,” said Nichols. “For years we have taken our nieces. For the last three years, we have taken our granddaughter. We loved this year, the new additions of the games. We also had a great time at the Methodist church. We love living here. We love the small town atmosphere. The schools are excellent and it is a safe friendly place to raise a family.”
The Nichols, called Paw Paw and Nana by granddaughter Marilyn, have two children, son Fred and daughter-in-law Desiree Nichols of Wilsonville, and daughter, Nicky and son-in-law Bill Johnson of Summerhill. Janie has kept Marilyn while her mother works since she was a baby. Nichols is a mechanic with the City of Calera. They were thrilled to win the bike.
“My bike is just awesome,” said Marilyn. “I am so excited. I cannot wait to learn to ride.”