Jesus, politicians and Easter
Published 1:12 pm Tuesday, March 31, 2015
By ALLEN FARLEY / Guest Columnist
The politicians in today’s Alabama State House and in Congress are no different than politicians who have been elected, or appointed, to government positions since the beginning of time. Sure, there will always be the Pilates who can be easily motivated to do the wrong things for the wrong reasons. However, as a man of God, I’m convinced there are many more Godly politicians today who have been placed in state and federal elected offices for the spiritual battle I see just ahead.
The number of outspoken Christian representatives and senators occupying offices in the Alabama State House has increased since I was first elected in 2010. Just the other day one of our freshman, Rep. David Faulkner, sent out an email notifying other House members of his desire to meet daily for prayer while we’re in Montgomery during the Holy Week before Easter. (Can you hear the spiritual sabers rattling?)
How can anyone not believe there is a God who created everything? Just look around you. My goodness, read through the Bible’s “Old Testament” telling of a coming savior, then read the account of Jesus that leads you right up to the exact day of his crucifixion being on the day of “Passover.” (Just a coincidence?)
Jesus Christ is validated as our “Personal savior” through the eye-witness accounts of his resurrection on that very first Easter Sunday. Christians are absolutely convinced Jesus was raised from the dead on Easter Sunday morning just like it is recorded in God’s word.
Matthew 28:5-6 But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. (6) He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.
HE is risen. HE is risen indeed!!!
Happy Easter and God Bless America!!!
Allen Farley represents portions of Jefferson and Shelby Counties in Alabama’s House District 15. Representative Farley can be contacted at, or (205)-960-7526.