HHSA holds 11th Tablescapes fundraiser for King’s Home
Published 3:54 pm Tuesday, April 28, 2015
HOOVER – Tables adorned with spring flowers, sculptures and even Elvis Presley paraphernalia were conversation pieces for the dozens of people at Hannah Home Shelby Auxiliary’s annual Tablescapes fundraiser at Metro Church on April 22.
All proceeds from ticket sales, a silent auction and cash “votes” attendees cast for their favorite tables benefit King’s Home Shelby, a Christ-centered home in Chelsea for homeless and abused women and children.
“We have a commitment to the home to help with operational expenses,” event chairwoman Tamara Moser said. “The Auxiliary actually helped build the home, then made a further commitment to help on an annual basis with operational expenses.”
The Tablescapes event has been held each year since 2004.
“It just keeps getting better every year,” Moser said, noting nearly 200 people were registered to attend the April 22 event.
The guest speaker was Amie Beth Shaver, a Birmingham radio personality on Leland Live, small business owner and author of “Who Moved the Line? America’s Character Crisis.”
Table decorators were Rita Wood, Francis McAleer, Alison Thomas, Bonnie Goetz, Lana Swatek, Peggy Devane, Pottery Barn, Evelyn Criswell, Marie McCullough, Susan Gaines, LaVerne Reese, Elise Hearn, Phyllis Davis, Janie Dollar, Esther Howell, Janet Perry, Emily Guin, Diane Moore, Ann Layne, Margaret Walker, Mary Byrd, Sarah Moseley, Gloria Thomas, Tina Douglass, Patricia Schencker, Denise Obert, Jenetta Heberlein, Callie Hines and June Griffin.