Shelby County Museum and Archives seeking new director
Published 5:22 pm Thursday, July 2, 2015

Anyone interested in applying for the director position for the Shelby County Museum and Archives may submit an application. (Reporter Photo/Emily Sparacino)
COLUMBIANA – Applications are being accepted for the Shelby County Museum and Archives director position, which will open after current director Bobby Joe Seales retires Nov. 1.
“We’re hoping to have this position filled by Aug. 1,” Seales said in a July 1 phone interview. “We have a Shelby County Historical Society quarterly meeting on Aug. 2, and we hope to have a reception for the new director on Aug. 2.”
The deadline to submit an application is Friday, July 10 at 8 a.m., Seales said.
The job listing and application are posted at the following link:
The position is part-time and reports directly to the Shelby County Historical Society board of directors.
“This position is responsible for the development, execution and management of the policies, programs and initiatives of the Shelby County Museum & Archives as directed by the Shelby County Historical Society Officers and Board of Directors in its mission of preserving Shelby County’s history,” the job summary reads. “The director is responsible for advancing the mission of the Shelby County Historical Society, Inc. The ideal candidate for this position will become familiar with the history of Shelby County and Alabama and be able to articulate the county’s vision as a center of commerce, culture and entertainment.”
In addition to the requirements listed on the job posting, candidates should “have a love for history, and a love for Shelby County,” Seales said.
“I really believe that with the new officers and board of directors, and the new director of the Shelby County Museum and Archives, they can take it from where it left off with me and grow it much further,” Seales said. “Right now, we’re one of the number one museum and archives in the state, and we can keep that title and make it bigger and better than what it is now.”
Seales said he and Fred Olive, incoming president of the Shelby County Historical Society for 2016-2017, will review all applications and begin interviews for the top candidates.
“Once we review the applications, we hope to narrow it down,” Seales said.
Seales, Olive and two more board members, David Nolen and Bill Justice, will give final approval of the person selected for the job.
As soon as the new director is chosen, his or her training will begin.
“We will find somebody, probably even better,” Seales said. “The more we get, the more we’ll have to be able to choose the right person from.”
Starting Aug. 1, the Shelby County Museum and Archives business hours will be decreased.
Instead of operating Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (closed holidays), the museum and archives will be open four days a week, Tuesday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Seales said the days of operation decreased from six to five days about four years ago and could increase again, depending on revenue.
“Everything is an if,” he said. “If the historical society comes up with good fundraisers and comes up with a means of additional income, we’ll be able to open back for six days. We can go either way with that.”
The nominating committee will present the remaining 2016-2017 officers and board of directors for election at the Nov. 1 Shelby County Historical Society meeting.