Chelsea council approves planning commission, community center requests
Published 3:12 pm Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Chelsea City Council approved a resolution at its Aug. 18 meeting for an additional payment for changes to the initial Chelsea Community Center plans. (File)
CHELSEA – The Chelsea City Council made decisions at an Aug. 18 regular meeting regarding a Chelsea Planning Commission seat, additional payment for facets of the Chelsea Community Center project and a property annexation request.
The council appointed Casey Morris to the Chelsea Planning Commission.
Morris was appointed to fill the balance of former Commissioner Mel Cosgrove’s six-year term set to expire in 2020, Niven said. Cosgrove resigned at the commission’s July meeting.
“Casey will do great,” Niven said of Morris, a lifelong Chelsea resident. “He is a fine, outstanding citizen in Chelsea now, and he has a desire for the community. He’ll do a super job.”
The commission consists of nine members, six of which are appointed by the mayor, who is also on the commission.
The other two seats are held by one of the city’s administrative employees, usually the city clerk, and a current city council member.
The council also approved an additional payment for a change order for the community center being built off Alabama 47.
Niven said changes included installing additional fire extinguishers, a kitchen island that was omitted in the original plans, signage inside and outside of the building, changing the makeup of the asphalt at the center’s entrance and changing the six basketball goals in the gym to hanging goals.
“Initially, we had two hanging goals and four NBA-style goals that roll in,” Niven said. “We changed it to six hanging goals, which take more steel.”
The major items totaled $51,812, he said.
The center is scheduled to open in September.
Flooring in the gym and second-floor track is being installed, the city is purchasing furniture, gym equipment will come in soon and chairs and tables have been ordered, Niven said.
Regarding personnel for the center, part-time labor opportunities for up to 20 hours a week will be available, both on weekdays and weekends.
The council also approved for residential property owned by Richard and Annette Acton to be annexed into Chelsea by referendum.
“They came to us and said they wanted to be annexed,” Chelsea Mayor Earl Niven said in an Aug. 20 interview, noting the annexation will allow the couple to vote in city elections and receive city fire coverage.
Niven said the council approved the annexation pending Shelby County Probate Judge Jim Fuhrmeister signing off on it.
The center likely will be open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 1-6 p.m. Sunday.
In other business, William Hanes with Southern Light presented plans to the council concerning the company installing fiber optic cable lines in the area.
Niven said the company has requested a franchise agreement with the city, which the city’s attorneys are reviewing and planning to address at the next council meeting.