RMS drama teacher receives One Class at a Time Grant

Published 12:54 pm Thursday, October 1, 2015

Riverchase Middle School drama teacher Hannah Rodgers recieved a $1,000 grant from WIAT CBS 42 Sept. 22. (Contributed)

Riverchase Middle School drama teacher Hannah Rodgers recieved a $1,000 grant from WIAT CBS 42 Sept. 22. (Contributed)

By JESSA PEASE / Staff Writer

PELHAM— Riverchase Middle School drama teacher Hannah Rodgers was in for a big surprise Sept. 22. She had prepared to give a presentation on the Philippines at school, but instead was presented with WIAT CBS 42’s $1,000 One Class at a Time Grant.

“It was a big awesome surprise,” Rodgers said. “I’m totally grateful to WIAT and the sponsors for being chosen.”

Rodgers has been teaching since 1997, and although she’s a certified drama teacher, this is her first year teaching drama at Riverchase. It’s been years since she’s taught drama, and Rodgers said she wanted to get some additional funds for the class.

One day she read a news article about a teacher getting a grant from CBS 42, and she thought it would be a good way to get one herself. She applied online and was shocked to find out she had won.

A WIAT CBS cameraman and reporter, along with the Little Caesar’s mascot, came to Rodgers’ classroom and presented her with the $1,000 check and a plaque.

The money she received will go toward equipment for the drama program. Rodgers said she has already transformed a small classroom into the RMS Little Theatre for the students, but she’d like to purchase lighting, sound equipment and microphones for it.

“Even something as simple as lighting, it adds to the feeling of performance and the feel of being on stage,” Rodgers said. “So I’m very excited about the prospect of being able to use the money to purchase equipment for drama.”

Rodgers said she would also like to purchase some scripts and scene books for her students to use for mini performances. Although she was nervous to take over drama again after so many years, she said the student have really enjoyed it.

“The kids are absolutely excited about it,” Rodgers said. “I feel like even in our small scale RMS theatre, they still feel the act of performing and the act of being in front of people. It’ great.”