Pelham Police heighten security after Paris attacks

Published 4:48 pm Friday, November 20, 2015

After the attacks in Paris, Pelham Police Chief Larry Palmer asks residents to be extra observant during the holiday season. (File)

After the attacks in Paris, Pelham Police Chief Larry Palmer asks residents to be extra observant during the holiday season. (File)

By JESSA PEASE / Staff Writer

PELHAM— Following the terrorist attacks in Paris, Pelham Police Chief Larry Palmer addressed attendees of the Nov. 16 City Council meeting, asking them to be more observant of their surroundings.

“I want to ask everyone that if you see something unusual, if you see something suspicious, call us and let us make the decision (whether to investigate),” Palmer said.

While the Pelham Police Department is always concerned with security, Palmer said they heighten security in the city and safety plans. The police officers can only be so many places, so he said they are asking residents to stick to the saying: “See something, say something.”

Events such as those that occurred in Paris can sometimes prompt other individuals, according to Palmer.

“What really concerns us is the individuals, who for whatever reason are unstable (or) who might act on their own, these type events will sometimes set them into motion,” Palmer said. “Sometimes that will occur after an event such as Paris.”

Palmer said that if a resident notices something suspicious or even something that makes them stop and think, to call the department. He asked residents to watch their surroundings, especially in highly populated areas such as shopping malls.

“Stay safe and have a wonderful holiday,” he said. “If you need us, call us.”