Helena residents enjoy December First Friday event
Published 1:28 pm Friday, December 11, 2015

Bob Van Loan of the Helena Business Association presents a check to Jennifer Spencer and Jessica Purvis of OnMark Physical Therapy after announcing them winners of the wreath decorating contest. (Reporter Photo/Graham Brooks)
By GRAHAM BROOKS / Staff Writer
HELENA–Old Town Helena was packed with Helena residents on Friday, Dec. 4 with those looking to get some early Christmas shopping done, as well as to enjoy the sights of sounds of the year’s last First Friday event.
The theme for December’s First Friday was “An Old Town Christmas,” which featured more than 30 vendors including food, clothing and more.
Helena First Friday is presented by the Helena Business Association and this month’s event was unique as it featured opportunities for families to take their picture with Santa Claus, meet the Grinch, check out a winter wonderland display and more.
Earlier in the month, the HBA also hosted a holiday wreath-decorating contest for Helena businesses and the winner was announced at First Friday based on the number of votes received.
Jennifer Spencer and Jessica Purvis from OnMark Physical Therapy in Helena were presented as the winners of the contest and were awarded a $100 cash prize from the HBA.
“We had two judges who went to every business who participated and honestly, this year’s winner was a walkover,” said HBA Immediate Past President Bob Van Loan, who presented the check to OnMark Physical Therapy.
Helena First Friday events are considered beneficial to the many surrounding businesses in the area, as they tend to see numerous customers and increased revenue that helps the local economy.
In addition to the storefront businesses that stay open late in Old Town, many other businesses bring tents to set up in the surrounding parking lots for residents to browse merchandise.
For more information on the Helena Business Association, visit Hbahelena.com.