HHSA ends year with donations, board installation
Published 1:44 pm Tuesday, December 22, 2015
CHELSEA – Something as simple as a small bag of toiletries can bring comfort to someone who has lost most of her material belongings.
The toiletries, paper products and cleaning supplies Hannah Home Shelby Auxiliary members brought to a luncheon earlier this month for women and children living at King’s Home in Shelby County could help restore a sense of normalcy in their lives.
The auxiliary supports King’s Home, a residence for women and children fleeing domestic abuse, through fundraising and donation efforts during the year. Its Christ-centered mission also includes presenting the gospel to residents.
In addition to bringing donations for the home’s residents, auxiliary members approved a new board and heard updates regarding the group’s work this year and upcoming events in 2016 at a Christmas luncheon at the home of Denise Tassone on Dec. 15.
Outgoing HHSA President Andrea Hunter said the group’s annual Tablescapes event raised $20,000 for the home this spring.
“We had a beautiful time and enjoyed so many beautiful tables,” Hunter said.
Tablescapes 2016 is tentatively set for April 6.
The group stocked the home’s daycare with new toys and provided 50 new chairs for the dining room.
Auxiliary member Amy Reese’s husband’s firm has provided Christmas presents for women and children at the home, she said.
Incoming president Janie Dollar introduced the new board members: Pam Bradford, first vice president; Jane Scott, second vice president; Phyllis Davis, treasurer; Tina Douglass, secretary; Billie Holleman, corresponding secretary; Jane Scott and Mindy Boggs, public relations and communications; Ashley Jett, newsletter; Rita Wood, parliamentarian; and Gwen Solomon, site director at King’s Home.
Solomon said 25 women and 22 children currently live at the home.
The yearly cost for the home to operate is more than $423,000, and expenses per person total about $17,600.
“This year has been a blessed year for King’s Home Shelby,” Solomon said.
Prodigal Pottery, pottery made by women at King’s Home, was on sale at the luncheon.
Proceeds from pottery sales go back to the women and the home.
For more information about Hannah Home Shelby Auxiliary, visit Hannahhomeshelbyaux.org.