Gospel Light Baptist Church introducing new pastor
Published 8:48 pm Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Alabaster resident Gary Bohman, left, will be installed as pastor at Helena’s Gospel Light Baptist Church. (Contributed)
HELENA–Gospel Light Baptist Church of Helena is pleased to announce the upcoming installation of their new pastor, Gary Bohman.
Bohman will be introduced as the new pastor on Sunday, Jan. 3, in the 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. services.
Gospel Light Baptist Church is located at 5781 Roy Drive in Helena and all events will take place in the main sanctuary. Bohman will preach the morning service with founding pastor, Dr. Steve Kilpatrick, speaking in the evening service and the community is encouraged to attend.
Bohman is a graduate of The Crown College of the Bible in Knoxville, Tenn., and has served as the associate pastor at Gospel Light Baptist Church since 2009, and assistant administrator of Gospel Light Baptist Academy since 2012. Bowman has also been instrumental in the organization of the Alabama Youth Congress, which sees hundreds of Christian teens from diverse backgrounds gather each summer at the University of Montevallo, and was the lead speaker for the community-wide Marriage and Family Seminar hosted by the church in September.
He and his wife Mary are the parents of three daughters, Katelynn, Kristyn and Kloe.
Gospel Light Baptist Church was founded in Helena 13 years ago by Dr. Steve Kilpatrick and members of the community.
With the full support of the church membership, Kilpatrick is stepping down to begin a new church planting ministry in Alabama.
Kilpatrick and his wife Debbie are currently working toward starting a new church in Chelsea with Chelsea Baptist Church on track to begin services Easter Sunday of 2016.
“Gary Bohman has been a faithful assistant these seven years. He’s a great soul winner and has a heart for the church members and the Helena community,” said Kilpatrick. “A part of our hearts will always remain with the people of Gospel Light Baptist, but the church is in good hands with the servant leadership of Gary Bohman.”