Military couple shares love story
Published 9:45 am Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Pictured here with Tank, their dog (and certified chick magnet) are Cindy and Zach Barr, as they begin a unique new year together. (Contributed)
By LAURA BROOKHART / Community Columnist
Just a day before departing for his AIT (Advanced Individual Training) at Ft. Gordon as an IT Specialist, Zach Barr sat down with life companion, Cindy Hoang Barr, and shared their plans for the next year and their love story.
Cindy, who will depart Jan. 12 for her basic training in Ft. Sill, Okla., will next be stationed at Ft. Gordon as a Radio Operator before commencing to Airborne School in July. Zach will meanwhile have attended Airborne School at Ft. Benning.
“We learn to pack a parachute and then to jump. I am looking forward to it,” he added, seeing the expression on my face. “This is something I have always wanted to do.”
“His family tells me that from the time he could walk, he was interested in planes, tanks, guns and trains,” Cindy added.
The couple were friends at PHS, each dating other people. Both found themselves ending those relationships about the same time near the end of their junior year.
“We’re both in the same boat,” Cindy told me.
“Can we lean on each other?” Zach recalls. “We hung out as friends and by the end of our senior year in 2013, we enjoyed a group senior prom date. The relationship had flourished and we were getting more serious.”
Over the two years while Zach studied at UA and then through his basic training, the couple have exchanged many letters—which they will certainly someday treasure.
Cindy says she did not choose to enlist because of Zach.
“It would be easier to be a civilian,” she noted, adding with a smile, “But I didn’t want him to have all the fun!”
In a year they will be stationed together. Meanwhile, when October comes, they will have a formal celebration of their marriage with family and friends in Columbiana.
“Their love story is about the love of two people, seemingly carefree, laughing and joking—even in the rain as I took their photos,” said Leigh Bratina. “But this love story is also about this country. Something so beautiful, so inspiring and noble.”
“These two have a strong and unique bond. I couldn’t be more proud of these two as young people,” Bratina said. “As soldiers. And as examples of sacrifice and love. I hope that you will join me lifting prayers for this couple as they begin their journey of marriage and military service.”