Gardens of Pelham crowns sweetheart king, queen

Published 1:10 pm Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Roy Hefner and Jo Manzella serve as the 2016 Sweetheart King and Queen at the Gardens of Pelham. (Reporter photo / Jessa Pease)

Roy Hefner and Jo Manzella serve as the 2016 Sweetheart King and Queen at the Gardens of Pelham. (Reporter photo / Jessa Pease)

By JESSA PEASE / Staff Writer

PELHAM— Every Valentine’s Day, the staff at the Gardens of Pelham assisted living community puts together a special holiday event and crowns a sweetheart king and queen.

This year, the residents of the community participated in a sock hop themed social where Roy Hefner and Jo Manzella were crowned the 2016 Sweetheart King and Queen.

“This was such a shock. It was exciting,” Manzella said. “I’ve never had (something like) that before. It was fun.”

Manzella has lived at the Gardens at Pelham for about four months, while Hefner has lived there about a year now. Both said they have enjoyed their time there and the people they interact with.

It was both Hefner’s and Manzella’s first time being crowned. Everyone who attended the sock hop, including the staff, residents and family members, voted on who to crown this year.

“Oh yes, (I was excited),” Hefner said. “(I most enjoyed) the company, I guess, just being around everybody.”

Manzella said she had a great time at the sock hop, dancing and talking with everyone there. The halls of the facility were elaborately decorated with reds, pinks and whites as well as traditional Valentine’s hearts.

Hefner said that everyone has been nice at the Gardens of Pelham.

“I had a real good time. It was good, even though we are old,” Manzella added.

Hefner and Manzella will serve as the sweetheart king and queen for the year and will crown the 2017 Sweetheart King and Queen at next year’s Valentine’s Day event.

The Gardens of Pelham is located at 2124 Old Montgomery Highway in Pelham. For more information, visit or call 402-9922.