Pelham Public Library introduces Capstone Interactive eBooks

Published 3:52 pm Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Pelham Public Library announces the addition of Capstone Interactive eBooks to its list of resources available to residents. (Contributed)

The Pelham Public Library announces the addition of Capstone Interactive eBooks to its list of resources available to residents. (Contributed)


PELHAM— Capstone Interactive eBooks may now be accessed by Pelham Public Library members from school, home or on-the-go, according to a March 2 press release.

These eBooks can be used with a laptop, desktop or iPad. The new resource can be accessed through and contains a variety of interactive eBooks for children of all grades.

If your child has a report due the next day and forgot to check out books from the library, the Capstone Interactive eBooks program can help, according to the release.

Capstone Interactive eBooks also provide support tools, such as text highlighting and read- aloud audio recorded by professional voice-over artists to model pronunciation and fluency.

Easy navigation makes Capstone inviting for kids to find their favorite books, such as Katie Woo, stunning photography from A Day in the Life books and The Amazing Adventures of Superman, the release stated.

The release also stated that parents can feel comfortable knowing their children are exploring an ad-free website bursting with resources to help them read in and out of the classroom.

Students also have the options to read offline by downloading the app directly from iTunes.

To access Pelham Library’s subscription, visit using “Pelham” as the username and “books” as the password.

For more information, call 620-6418.