Student artwork showcased at IBERIABANK
Published 11:58 am Friday, April 22, 2016

The Pelham Branch of IBERABANK showcased the artwork of Valley Elementary School and Thompson Middle School students March 22. (Contributed)
By JESSA PEASE / Staff Writer
PELHAM— As students and family members of Valley Elementary School and Thompson Middle School walked into the Pelham Branch of IBERABANK March 22, they were greeted by a gallery-style display of artwork.
Vice president and branch manager Debbie Parrott had reached out to the schools’ art teachers, asking for 35 to 40 pieces of artwork to display at her bank.
“It’s just part of the community relations that IBERIABANK does,” Parrott said. “It’s just a way for us to support the community and just have people aware of how community-minded the bank is.”
After receiving the artwork, Parrott invited the students and their families out to the bank for a reception. She provided refreshments from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., and allowed the guests to peruse the submitted pieces.
This is something Parrott has done for the past eight years, and she said she plans to continue the tradition. This year, they had about 75 people cycle through the bank March 22.
“It’s really a big deal for the students because it generates good will within the community, and the students have a different way to show their parents the work they do at school,” Parrott said.
There were about 82 pieces of artwork, and Parrott said the children were exited to see their teachers and friends outside of the school environment. She said people also enjoy seeing the level of talent in the community.
As a grandparent herself, Parrott said she can easily identify the pride and sense of accomplishment in the students when they see their artwork.
“It’s one of the most enjoyable events I participate in,” she said. “There is a twinkle in their eye. It’s just an exciting vision that we get to enjoy through them.”
Parrott’s branch is the only IBERIABANK branch in Shelby County, so she said she enjoys being able to showcase the surrounding school systems. She’s hosted the work of Valley Elementary School and Thompson Middle School students for the past five years.
“It’s a fun atmosphere,” she said. “The children are smiling; they have a sense of accomplishment. They are proud. It’s just a great builder of self esteem.”