Group meets weekly to lift nation up in prayer
Published 10:17 am Friday, January 6, 2017
- Evangel Classical Christian School will host an ‘80s prom-themed fundraiser Feb. 11 to help purchase items for the school. (File)
By Emily Reed / Special to the Reporter
ALABASTER – Three women have been getting together weekly for more than two years at Evangel Presbyterian Church to lift up the nation in prayer.
Now, the Prayer for our Nation group is hoping to grow to get more people involved in prayer and helping the country.
“We each come to the group with a different perspective,” said Barbara Ethredge, one of the members of the group. “The Lord lays on our hearts the things we need to pray for, and we just bring it before the Lord what is on our hearts at the time.”
Ethredge said the group formed when things began occurring in the nation that was making her and others uneasy.
“I grew up in a very different age,” Ethredge said. “When I grew up there were no stores open on Sundays, manners were different, the way people lived was different, and the culture had different standards. Things started to change a lot in the nation and we felt it was going in such a bad direction that we needed to get together and pray.”
Every Thursday, except the third Thursday of each month, the group meets for one hour at Evangel Presbyterian Church to pray.
Ethredge said the meetings are informal, but spent solely in prayer.
“We would love to have more people come, but they need to be praying people,” Ethredge said. “If anyone feels a burden on their heart for the country or for the people of this country, they are more than welcome to come.”
Ethredge said individuals wishing to attend are not required to attend Evangel Presbyterian Church.
There will also be a Inauguration Day Season of Prayer event at 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 20 at the church. This will be a time of prayer for President-elect Donald J. Trump as he is sworn in, the nation, and the new presidential administration.
Everyone is invited to attend, but there will not be a nursery provided.
For more information about the Prayer for our Nation group, contact Evangel Presbyterian Church at 664-0889.
The church is located at 423 Thompson Road in Alabaster.