Helena offering basic rifle course March 7
Published 2:34 pm Tuesday, February 21, 2017
- An eight-week NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course will be offered in Helena beginning Tuesday, March 7. (File)
By GRAHAM BROOKS / Staff Writer
HELENA–Younger community members interested in learning basic techniques and how to safely operate a rifle will have the opportunity to sign up for an eight-week shooting course that begins March 7, in Helena.
The NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course is designed for youth members ages 9-19, but adults may sign up if they choose to do so.
The course will begin Tuesday, March 7, at 6 p.m. at the Shelby County Shooting Sports Association located at 574 Elvira Road in Helena.
The class will last eight weeks and those who sign up will meet each Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. through Tuesday, April 25.
Live fire during the course will be done with air rifles or BB guns, and there will be an additional range day at the end of the course.
Those wishing to sign up must do so by March 7. The cost to register for the course is $65 with an initial deposit of $20.
The course is part of the Alabama 4H program and will cover all common rifle types, ammunition, rifle safety and marksmanship. The course also meets the requirements for the BSA Rifle merit badge.
The instructor for the course is Sam Richardson and for more information Richardson can be reached at 565-6104 or Scssarifle@aol.com.
To sign up for the course, visit Nrainstructors.org. Once there, search for NRA Basic Rifle Course in Alabama.