Reporter earns 11th-straight General Excellence award
Published 11:01 am Monday, July 10, 2017
COLUMBIANA – Shelby County Newspapers Inc. earned the Alabama Press Association’s top award for the 11th-consecutive year, the APA announced during its annual awards banquet on July 8.
Shelby County Newspapers also won the APA’s top advertising award, bringing the company’s total number of first-, second- and third-place APA awards to 57 for this year.
SCNI publishes the Shelby County Reporter, 280 Reporter, Alabaster Reporter, Helena Reporter, Pelham Reporter, Shelby Living and Hoover’s Magazine.
Seventy four newspapers submitted a total of 2,753 entries in the editorial contest, and 60 newspapers submitted a total of 988 entries in the advertising contest. The entries were judged by the Georgia Press Association.
The Shelby County Reporter competes in category C against other large weekly newspapers.
Editorial contest:
-First place in the general excellence category
-First place in the most improved category
-First place in the best public service category for “Finding shelter” by Briana Harris
-First place in the Freedom of Information category for “Sex offender edition” by Stephen Dawkins
-First place in the best family or lifestyle page category
-First place for best local education coverage
-First place in the best production and printing category
-First place in the best special section – glossy category for “Profile 2016”
-First place in the best magazine periodical category for “Hoover’s Magazine”
-First place in the best spot news photo for “Train hits truck, closes highway”
-First place in the best niche publication category for “Hoover’s Magazine April 2016”
-First place in the creative use of multimedia category for online special sections
-First place in the best use of graphics or illustrations category for “Finding shelter” by Layken Rubin
-First place in the best sports feature category for “Double trouble” by Baker Ellis
-First place in the best news feature story category for “Motion to adjourn” by Emily Sparacino
-First place in the best layout and design category
-Second place in the online breaking news coverage category for “Gas pipeline explosion” by Graham Brooks
-Second place in the best local news coverage category
-Second place in the best magazine periodical category for “Shelby Living”
-Second place in the creative use of multimedia category for sports videos by Alec Etheredge
-Second place in the best special section – glossy category for “Shelby County football 2016” by Alec Etheredge
-Second place in the best use of social media category for “spotted” photo galleries
-Second place in the best in-depth news coverage category for “Spill has national impact” by Graham Brooks
-Second place in the best feature photo category for “Discovering nature” by Keith McCoy
-Second place in best news photo for “Saluting service” by Dawn Harrison
-Second place in the best local sports column category for “Postseason chances” by Baker Ellis
-Third place in the best editorial page or section category
-Third place in the Freedom of Information category for “Mayor barred from finance industry” by Neal Wagner
-Third place in the online breaking news coverage category for “Colonial Pipeline spill” by Graham Brooks
-Third place in the best use of graphics or illustrations category for “How did Shelby County vote?” by Jamie Dawkins
-Third place in the best local sports column category for “Hornets hope to continue improving” by Baker Ellis
-Third place in the best special section – glossy category for “Visitors Guide 2016”
-Third place in the best headline category for “Party Animals”
-Third place in the best feature story category for “Building a miracle” by Neal Wagner
-Third place in the best sports news in-depth coverage for “Blind faith” by Baker Ellis
Advertising category:
-First place in the advertising sweepstakes category
-First place in the best classified page or section category
-First place in the best presentation of online advertising category
-First place in the best innovative online advertising – single ad category for “Chelsea Chiropractic” by Meagan Barton
-First place in the best magazine periodical category for “Shelby Living”
-First place in the best in-paper promotion of newspaper category for “Teacher special”
-First place in the best classified display ad category for “Lawn Mower for Sale” by Daniel Holmes
-First place in the best use of humor category for “Lawn Mower for Sale” by Daniel Holmes
-Second place in the best classified display ad category for “Pet goats” by Kim McCulla
-Second place in the best magazine periodical category for “Hoover’s Magazine”
-Second place in the best advertising campaign category for “Vulcan Termite” by Rhett McCreight
-Second place in the best innovative online advertising – single ad category for “Bark and Wine” by Daniel Holmes
-Second place in the best use of humor category for “We have pet goats” by Kim McCulla
-Second place in the best original/creative idea category for “Chelsea Eye Care” by Meagan Barton
-Second place in the best online revenue builder category for “Best of the Best”
-Second place in the best regularly scheduled special section – glossy category for “Profile 2016”
-Second place in the best one-time special section – glossy category for “2016 Election Guide”
-Third place in the best innovative online advertising – single ad category for “Willow and Wine” by Meagan Barton
-Third place in the best classified display ad category for “Job fair” by Daniel Holmes
-Third place in the best niche publication category for “Hoover’s Magazine”
-Third place in the best regularly scheduled special section – glossy category for “Football 2016”
-Third place in the best single ad half-page and under – color category for “Alabaster Optical” by Ashley Murphy