TIS Gifted Students win award for video presentation
Published 12:01 pm Friday, November 10, 2017
By EMILY REED / Special to the Reporter
ALABASTER – Thompson Intermediate School students in the Gifted Program recently took home an award for a group video competition for the Alabama Association for Gifted Children.
Gifted Specialists Susan Mitchell and Nicole Naro, led a team of fifth graders to participate in a statewide video project to explain in their own words “what does gifted education mean?” and “why is gifted education important.”
“During a three hour gifted education class, the students were to create a video, in two minutes or less that explained the theme of this year’s conference, ‘Listening to the Voices of Gifted Education,’” said Mitchell. “The competition was open to any/all students in the state of Alabama who are in the gifted education program.”
The TIS video starts out with two students acting as newscasters for “News Team 6,” seeking to go on a wild adventure within the gifted education program.
The video showcases students talking about the gifted program, which allows them to learn about famous people, that “programming has to be precise,” the ability to collaborate with others and participate in projects they don’t normally work on in class, to learn to play chess and think critically, to program robots, and various programs, and to be creative within the arts.
The students at TIS were awarded a monetary gift certificate, which Mitchell said the group will vote on at a later date on how they wish to spend the money.
“Watching the students get busy working together to write and perfect their part, helping others in their class prepare for their parts, and getting excited about the whole video coming together was an enjoyable aspect of this year’s competition,” Mitchell said. “The students were also excited about visiting the McWane Center to be recognized for their award during the annual Alabama Association for Gifted Children Conference.”
According to the AAGC website, the purpose of the video contest was to promote the importance of gifted education and the need for funding in Alabama so that all gifted students can receive direct gifted services in their school districts.
One of the goals of the AAGC is to provide the opportunity to create a grassroots network to effectively serve as an advocate for gifted and high-ability students. The website states that gifted children and youth hold the promise of innovation and creativity that will shape the 21st century world.
“When fifth graders are given an assignment like this, it is amazing to watch them practice their parts, help others prepare, encourage their peers who may lack confidence, and encourage one another,” Mitchell said. “Skills they can take beyond the classroom.”
To watch the student’s completed video, visit www.alabamagifted.org or visit https://youtu.be/-ZyLvrQ8BNI.