Helena Historic Preservation Committee seeking items for time capsule
Published 5:08 pm Wednesday, December 13, 2017
- The Helena Historic Preservation Committee is seeking items to be placed in a time capsule that will be buried on April 8, 2018. (File)
By GRAHAM BROOKS / Staff Writer
HELENA–The city of Helena has a long, storied history and one step inside the Helena Museum shows just how much has been preserved and how the city has transformed over time.
The Helena Historic Preservation Committee is a group that exists to preserve, promote and protect the history of Helena and in 2018, the group will be burying a time capsule and is seeking help for contents to go in the time capsule.
In 2040, Helena will celebrate its 175th Founders Day and 2065 will mark the 200th anniversary. The goal is for future city officials to open the time capsule in these years to find items and artifacts of a bygone era from 2017 that depict what life was like during this time.
There are several ways that Helena residents can help gathering items for the time capsule. The preservation committee is seeking items with descriptions about life in 2017. What is school like? What is daily life like? What are people like and what do they do for fun? What are issues of concern in the city, state, nation and world?
Another submission can be predictions about what 2040 and 2065 will be like. How will life be different, better or worse? What advancements in science, technology or other fields will have taken place? How will schools and learning be different than now? What will people in 2040 and 2065 be proud of or concerned about?
Other submissions may include personal, family or business history by becoming a sponsor of the time capsule.
The different sponsorship levels are as follows:
–Legacy Patron–A Legacy sponsorship is $250 and will include a small box and a name on the dedication plaque.
–Platinum Patron–A Platinum sponsorship is $100 and will include a small box provided by the time capsule committee.
–Gold Patron–A Gold sponsorship is $25 and will include a standard envelope with whatever message or items for the time capsule.
–Silver Patron–A Silver sponsorship is $10 and will include a message on a small card that will be placed in the time capsule.
The deadline to submit items for the time capsule is March 1, 2018. The time capsule will be closed and locked on April 8, 2018.
Guidelines for time capsule submissions include photographs printed on photo paper, not copy paper. Any paper items should be created on or photocopied onto archival quality paper. Fabric should be clean, dry and insect free. Cotton and polyester are preferable.
Items to avoid placing in the time capsule include newsprint and table paper, lamination or dry-mounting paper items, writing with gel ink or felt tip markers, objects made of rubber, PVC, vinyl and polyurethane foam, wood items, nylon, silk, wool, batteries and food items.
Time capsule submissions should go to Hal Woodman. For questions, contact Woodman at hwoodman@cityofhelena.org.