Helena Teen Council visits Montgomery
Published 3:00 pm Monday, March 12, 2018
- Helena Teen Council members visited the State Capitol and Governor’s Mansion in early February. (Contributed)
By LAURA BROOKHART / Community Columnist
The Helena Teen Council, along with sponsor Alice Lobell and Kristi Scozzaro, Adult Liaison, visited the State Capitol and Governor’s Mansion in Montgomery on Feb. 5.
Students enjoyed the company of Sen. Cam Ward and Representatives Matt Friday and Arnold Mooney during lunch.
“Lunch with our senator and representative fueled my curiously about our government,” said Hayden Claire McCombs.
“This trip has been the best the Teen Council has made to date,” said Will Rogers. “Sen. Cam Ward and Rep. Matt Fridy taught us how the state government works in real life, hands on, rather than just textbook learning.”
“I especially enjoyed touring the Governor’s Mansion and learning about the new and old furniture,” shared Melinda Dichiara. “It felt special to be in this over 100-year home of many of Alabama’s leaders.”
The Helena Teen Council attends each bimonthly meeting of Helena City Council and meets afterwards with current board president Lola Decroes.
Vice-president is Taylor Causey; secretary is Kirsen Gardner, who was recently honored at council as winner of 2018 AHSAA Class 6A Shot Put State Title, her third title.
Membership coordinator is Jacob Bradford, courtesy chair is Madison Laney and social media chair is Will Rogers.
Teen Council members recently worked at the Helena Business Association Expo and the food trucks present for that event.
For many, the most impressive visual takeaway was lying in a circle under the rotunda of the capitol.
The Alabama State Capitol was completed in 1851, restored in 1992 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the First Confederate Capitol.
Built in the Greek Revival style on Capitol Hill, the original location was known as Goat Hill.
“Lying on the ground in the capitol was beautiful,” said Keke Gardner, and Chris Miller added, “Lying in a circle and looking at the highest point of the capitol is my favorite memory.”