Juniorettes committed to serving others

Published 5:12 pm Wednesday, September 12, 2018

By CONNIE NOLEN / Community Columnist

Happening upon the Pelham High School Juniorettes’ Club first meeting of the year was exciting this week. These young women come together to serve others and their attire reveals their diversity. A couple of students are wearing their volleyball practice uniforms. Some have come from band practice, including the dancers, majorettes and color guard members. There are cheerleaders and student government participants. The room is full and hands are in the air. This is a planning meeting—and these girls have opinions.

Student officers lead the meeting. Juniorettes adviser and PHS Spanish teacher Christina Mann is at her desk in the back asking questions and prompting when necessary. “I’m experienced this year,” she says, smiling. Happy to be a second year adviser, Mann readily assists the new officers as they lead this opening meeting.

Students are committing to rise early on a weekend morning to assist with a community art show. The art show’s proceeds will benefit charity. Volunteering to forfeit portions of their weekend, the Juniorettes demonstrate hearts devoted to serve.

PHS Juniorettes have a proud tradition. Returning members experienced the joy of service last year, and their excitement intrigues new members. In addition to a faculty adviser, Juniorettes must also have a community sponsor under the General Federation of Women’s Club’s (GFWC) Community Service guidelines. Service activities extend to the arts, education, international outreach and conservation.

“I’m excited about our new plan for a father/daughter dance,” says Juniorettes secretary Emma Shirley. “We hope to hold the dance here at PHS for elementary girls and their dads.”

Shirley’s excitement for this project-in-the-works is just as genuine as Juniorettes Vice-President Claire Clemmons expressed delight for the annual special needs prom. Juniorettes create a prom experience for special needs students complete with themed decorations, refreshments, music and dancing.

“I really enjoy the special needs prom project,” Clemmons says. “The students involved are wonderful.”

High school students serving the community realize true need beyond their own lives as they experience the joy of helping others. Realizing how their skills and talents serve others is the beginning of community connection.