Mike’s Merchandise brings bargains to Pelham

Published 10:21 am Wednesday, September 12, 2018

By CONNIE NOLEN / Community Columnist

“I went in the coolest place today,” my husband said. “Mike’s Merchandise—the guy who owns it played football at Alabama. His name is John Cassimus.”

“I’ve heard about that place!”

“Me too!”

Soon everyone at our table was discussing Mike’s Merchandise—while I wondered why the owner of Mike’s Merchandise had the name John Cassimus—and worried about what happened to Mike.

Mike Jones, owner of the original Mike’s Merchandise location in Guntersville along with a few additional stores stays busy in his North Alabama locations. Cassimus opened the Pelham franchise on June 29.

Leaving behind over 250 Zoe’s franchise locations that Cassimus helped launch from his mom and dad’s single store, Cassimus is new to discount sales.

“Try books, pillows and the furniture set-ups in gallery style,” the cashier said in response to my request for photo opps in the store.

I found Lit Mag Staffer Louie Smith beside the books.

“Are you working here?” I asked.

“My friends do,” he said. “I came by to visit and browse.”

Next to the books, on a high shelf above school supplies, I spotted wooden easels.

“Will you grab that easel Louie?” I said. Well over 6 feet tall, Smith is the guy to have around for top shelf retrievals.

“This is perfect,” Smith said.

He’s right. We need the easel. When artwork is too large to scan, the Lit Mag Staff props the canvases up precariously to photograph.

This easel was the same brand I’d resisted buying online because it was expensive. Mike’s Merchandise store price was $6.99. Most of the books were $5.99 or $6.99 also.

The furniture gallery had wonderful pieces for homes, outdoor areas and dorm rooms at great prices also. Mike’s Merchandise is overflowing with deals and receiving new stock weekly.

“We post our new products and deals daily on Mike’s Merchandise Birmingham on Facebook and @mikesmerchandisebham on Instagram,” said the store’s general manager Robin Blackwood. “We’re enjoying the Pelham community and we’re developing great relationships with our regular guests.”

Find Mike’s Merchandise next to Cozumel’s at 2760 Pelham Parkway.