PHS offers Club Buffet
Published 4:31 pm Monday, September 24, 2018
- PHS students already involved with school clubs represented their organizations well at last week's PHS Club Buffet. (Contributed)
By CONNIE NOLEN / Community Columnist
While rumors exist of teachers who earn tenure and suddenly disappear from school at three each day; traditionally, the Pelham High School faculty has been invested in students, offering them many opportunities beyond the school day. This year, PHS kicked off clubs differently.
By offering a club buffet with tables representing each club, students spent an advisory period visiting those tables to see which clubs captured their interest. Using intriguing displays, information and students who were sharing their previous experiences with these organizations, PHS clubs were able to offer students the chance to explore.
“The clubs were introduced in a fun way with each student playing club bingo,” said Johnathan Rodriguez. By visiting the clubs and asking questions, students could earn a bingo chip at each club’s table.
Visiting tables both inspired and challenged students. While many students were intrigued by the clubs they encountered, others felt the urge to expand the school’s club selections.
“Club day inspired me to try and create a new club—the Freedom of Speech Club. Mrs. McCrary has agreed to sponsor the club and there are 10 people who would like to join so far,” said PHS Senior Kaleb Hinds. Confident that this club will take off, Hinds believes that the school needs this club to advocate for freedom of speech.
“Lit Mag and Art Club have taught me teamwork,” senior Anna Carden said. “These clubs have shaped me as a person, and I’ve made some lifelong friendships through them.”
Students expressed interest in FBLA, Scholarship Searchers, Environmental Club, Book Club and many other offerings. Senior Lupita Aguilar was especially pleased with the reaction to a mock Write Night set-up created by Louie Smith.
“Seeing the sparks light up in younger students’ eyes when I talked about Write Night, submission boxes, submitting poetry, art and writing, and how we, the students, create the magazine, instead of a teacher creating it was inspiring,” said Aguilar.
School clubs allow students to experience and envision how their knowledge and interest empowers them as emerging adults while leading to meaningful lives of work and service.