Helena approves general fund budget for 2018-19

Published 5:03 pm Tuesday, September 25, 2018

By GRAHAM BROOKS / Staff Writer

HELENA – The Helena City Council has adopted its general fund budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year after the resolution was passed at the latest Council Meeting on Monday, Sept. 24.

The general fund budget of about $8.4 million was approved for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 and ending Sept. 30, 2019.

The council and department heads discussed the budget for several weeks before agreeing to pass the final proposed budget on Sept. 24.

Some of the highlights of the budget includes a projected revenue of $260,000 for building permits, $950,000 in the 1 percent education fund and nearly $3.4 million in sales tax revenues.

Administrative budget expenses when funds become available includes $750 to the Helena Arts Council, $14,000 to the Helena Beautification Board roundabout project, $1,000 to the Helena Museum, $2,000 to museum security, $2,000 to generator repair, $6,500 for museum heating, $10,000 for the repair of the trail around Joe Tucker Park and $1,000 for a web site refresh.

Helena Mayor Mark Hall commended Helena City Clerk Amanda Traywick, as well as other department heads for putting in the time and effort to pass a successful budget.

“I just want to say how much I appreciate the hard work the city clerk puts in every year,” Hall said. “Just so many things go into this a month or two before it comes to you and then we do it again. But I just want to tell you how appreciative I am of each one of you for being dedicated to that process and how well we get it done. I feel like this is a good budget and it’s streamlined and there’s no fluff but it’ll lead us into a good, solid financial year.”

Details of the 2018-19 city budget can be viewed at Cityofhelena.org/Default.asp?ID=16&pg=City+News&action=view&aid=2314&title=FYE+2019+General+Fund+Budget.