Helena baseball hosting meet and greet, home run derby Feb. 3
Published 2:08 pm Thursday, January 24, 2019
- The Helena High School baseball program will host a meet and greet and home run derby on Sunday, Feb. 3. (File)
By GRAHAM BROOKS / Staff Writer
HELENA – The start of a new baseball season is right around the corner for the 2018 Class 6A state runner-up Helena Huskies, but before they attempt another run to Montgomery, the program will host a fun meet and greet event complete with plenty of fun for everyone.
The family fun day will take place Sunday, Feb. 3 at 1:45 p.m. at Helena High School as families, friends and fans will have a chance to meet the team and participate in plenty of fun.
The event is free of admission and will include the following:
–Helena Mayor Mark Hall will throw out the first pitch to get the event started
–‘All About Fun Inflatables’ will be available for kids
–A meet and greet session with the 2019 HHS baseball team will start at 1:45 p.m.
–The hit-a-thon and home run derby will begin at 2 p.m.
–The concession stand will be open selling hot chocolate and coffee
–The merchandise table will be set up for those wishing to get Helena Huskies’ baseball hats and apparel
The Helena High School baseball program has seen much success since establishing in 2015. The Huskies have finished as the 2015 Class 5A state runner-up, 2017 Class 6A state champions, 2018 Class 6A state runner-up and area champions in 2016, 2017 and 2018.
The family fun day on Feb. 3 will conclude in plenty of time before Super Bowl 53 so come catch all the fun prior to kickoff.
Opening day for Helena baseball to start the 2019 season will be Monday, Feb. 18 as the Huskies will take on defending 7A state champion Auburn, followed by a matchup with 6A power Cullman in a double-header.
For more information on Helena High School baseball, visit https://podcasts.shelbyed.k12.al.us/hlhs-athletics/baseball/.