Pelham’s Roxanne Wing writes guide to ‘Lead Your Child to Success’
Published 4:15 pm Monday, September 27, 2021
- Pelham’s Roxanne Wing has written a guide book on how parents can lead their child towards a successful future. Wing is set to present her book and sign copies at the Pelham Public Library on Oct. 16. (Contributed)
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By MICHELLE LOVE | Staff Writer
PELHAM – “How can I guide my child to be the most successful they can be?” This is the question Pelham’s Roxanne Wing addresses in her new book “Lead Your Child to Success.”
Wing, a proud mother of two and a life coach for Capitol Life Coaching in Pelham, has culminated her 20 years of parenting experience into her book, which she described as a resource guide for parents to help develop their children to the best they can be.
While she was raising her children, Wing said she wanted to be as hands-on in their development as possible, carefully crafting them to be the adults they are now.
“I never wanted to turn their education over completely to the school system, so I wanted to take the responsibility of developing their education and character into my own hands,” she said. “I was seeking developmental help of all types of resources that would help develop them, rather than just let the public or private school system teach them, and have no real hand in how they developed as people.”
Wing searched for books and other parenting resources that would offer insight into developing her children, but she never found exactly what she was looking for.
“I found many books on nutrition, physical and cognitive development, but not many on ‘leadership development for youth,’” she said. “Even though I lacked direction, I started to notice ways to help my children develop leadership skills.”
“When [my children] were younger, we just poured into them,” Wing continued. “We exposed them to cultural experiences, my daughter was involved in People to People, my son was an Eagle Scout. There are just so many opportunities out there that people may not know about.”
Over the years, she was frequently asked by friends how she came to find the resources she was using to develop her children. Realizing there was a lack of information for parents, she decided to write her book, giving parents a guide for raising their children to be the best they can be.
“I culminated the resources that I had located into this book,” Wing said. “[It is] designed for parents who would like to assist in developing their children to enter a good college, obtain a U.S. Service Academy Appointment or become responsible civic-minded community leaders. It’s not too soon to begin to prepare them to meet these goals.”
Wing prefers to use the word “develop” in reference to raising her children, as she said that is what it felt like she was doing.
“The word ‘develop’ to me, is helping make ourselves personally and our children the best that they can be so they can utilize their full potential,” she said. “Why wouldn’t you want to give your children the most opportunities that you could? Why wouldn’t you want to develop them to be fully capable and successful human beings?”
Most of the resources listed in her book are free, and she encourages parents to look at any and all local resources or organizations that may be of help.
“I believe if you seek out opportunities and you really try, I’m sure you can find resources that are affordable that can really help build your children’s leadership skills,” she said.
Wing provides one-on-one life coaching through Capitol Life Coaching, LLC. She will be presenting the book, answering questions and signing copies of “Lead Your Child to Success” at the Pelham Library on Oct. 16 at 11 a.m.