Shelby Democracy Restoration Summit dates set for 10th year commemoration of Shelby V. Holder

Published 11:13 am Monday, June 12, 2023

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By LIZZIE BOWEN | Staff Writer

SHELBY COUNTY – The Alabama State Conference of the NAACP and Shelby County Democratic Party will be holding a three-day event entitled Shelby Democracy Restoration Summit to commemorate the Shelby Vs. Holder decision.

“Join the Alabama NAACP and its local Shelby County unit this month for the Shelby Democracy Restoration Summit, a three-day event highlighting the ongoing fight for voting rights in the wake of the Shelby County V. Holder case,” read a press release. “With sessions focused on key issues facing our communities and inspiring speakers and performers, this is an event you won’t want to miss.”

The Shelby County Democratic Party is honored to support this non-partisan event.

On June 25, 2023 the United States Supreme Court held that it is unconstitutional to use the coverage formula in Section B of the Voting Rights Act to determine which jurisdictions are subjected to the requirements in section five of the Voting Rights Act. A 5-4 decision was made.

This three-day event is the first time that there has been a weekend long event in commemoration of the Shelby V. Holder decision.

An event will be held on Friday, June 23 in Columbiana.

“Join us as we gather to march in preparation for the Shelby Democracy Restoration Summit,” read a press release. “We will then be rallying at the courthouse to highlight the effects of the Shelby County V. Holder case and the importance of protecting voting rights.”

The next event in the three-day long commemoration will be held at the University of Montevallo on Sunday, June 25.

“The first day of the Shelby Democracy Restoration Summit is packed with informative sessions on various topics such as reproductive autonomy, education, gun control and racial equity,” read a press release. “Join us as we explore ways to restore and protect democracy.”

The third and last event of the three-day commemoration will also be held at the University of Montevallo on Sunday, June 25.

“Join us for a powerful ecumenical service followed by a gospel concert at the Shelby Democracy Restoration Summit,” read a press release. “This is a chance for us to come together, unite our voices, and fight for democracy. Don’t miss out on this inspiring event.”