Indian Springs First Baptist Church enjoys Vacation Bible School

Published 1:45 pm Tuesday, June 13, 2023

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By LIZZIE BOWEN | Staff Writer

PELHAM – Indian Springs First Baptist Church enjoyed a successful annual Vacation Bible School event packed with lots of fun and friends.

The overall theme of Vacation Bible School was “Pets Unleashed.” The fun, interactive theme set the tone of the VBS event.

“Indian Springs First Baptist Church invites you to Pets Unleashed VBS where Jesus cares “fur” you,” read a press release.

The event was held Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3p.m., Sunday started at 9 a.m. with a church-wide picnic following the campers leading worship.

“Are you crazy for critters with whiskers, tails, feathers and scales,” read a press release. “The you’ll think this VBS is the ‘cat’s meow.’ At Pets Unleased VBS, kids will learn about Jesus, God’s Son who lovingly carves for us.”

The dates for the Vacation Bible School event were June 2, 3 and 4. Water games were held for the children and volunteers present as well as song and dance and waterslides for the children to enjoy.

Other events for the summer including a showing of the film “Jesus Revolution” on May 31with free popcorn provided and a Sending Service for members of the church who will be venturing to Nicaragua for a mission trip.

Future events include: a Ministry in the Park event that is to be hosted every Wednesday in June, a youth beach trip and American Baseball Foundation Camp.

Those looking for more information on the Indian Springs First Baptist Church can visit its website at