Helena Magazine

City Hall Faces: Sherri Fuchs shares her love for the Helena library

Published 5:08 pm Tuesday, July 18, 2023

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A library assistant at the Helena Public Library for the past five years, Sherri Fuchs has become close with many and grown her love for the city of Helena.

“This role allows me to help the families in our community connect with valuable resources and programs that enrich their lives and provide new avenues for learning,” she said. “Especially for the children in our community, I know first-hand the impact that a public library can have in shaping their imagination, growth and future.”

She said one of the most enjoyable aspects of her job is selecting new books and materials for the library.

“The children’s department is my favorite area to maintain because of how excited the kids are when they find a new book (or more) to take home,” she said. “Helping shape those shared moments of learning and development for children and their families is truly something that inspires me in my job as a library assistant.”

Fuchs said her love for the city of Helena is rooted through her family, which moved to Helena in 1993 and has seen the tremendous growth since.

“Helena has always been a family-friendly town with a small town feel and has provided a wonderful environment to raise our three children in,” she said.

As her children grew, she became more involved in the local community programs, serving as a cadet program leader for the local Civil Air Patrol squadron and helping lead local scouting groups, summer camp activities and homeschool support groups for families in the area.

“Helena is a special place,” she said. “The residents care for one another and foster a community of involvement and service. I have been immensely grateful to reside here, raise my family here and now assist all the patrons that walk through the doors of our public library. I am confident that our city will continue growing and changing but will remain a “small town” community that we can be proud to be a part of.”