Opinion: Splish, splash, Pelham’s pad off with a bash

Published 9:48 am Monday, August 21, 2023

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The switch was flipped and the water began spraying forth at the official opening of Pelham’s splash pad on Saturday Aug. 12.

The city of Pelham has been planning the opening of their splash pad since March when the city entered into a purchase agreement with Playcore Wisconsin Inc. Pelham’s splash pad marks yet another amenity for the residents of Shelby County to enjoy and has already proven to be incredibly popular.

Pelham is the second city in the county, after Chelsea, to have a splash pad built, but they certainly won’t be the last. The city of Alabaster has begun talks to build one of their own, and other cities may soon follow.

2023 has been the hottest summer ever recorded in the northern hemisphere. Unsurprisingly this has resulted in many people trying to find ways to cool off. Splash pads seem Shelby County’s new favorite way to beat the heat.

Splash pads are an excellent way for families to go out on hot summer days and race through nice cool water. In a lot of ways they’re like more festive swimming pools, a way to have some watery wet fun but with huge jets of water that make rainbows dance in the sun and send kids into screaming laughing fits.

Pelham’s new splash pad is the latest in what’s becoming an entire constellation of interactive water features that decorate Shelby County.  Anyone who wants to join in on the wet fun should go to Pelham and hit up the new pad. Or start petitioning their home city to build their own.