Chelsea declares council seat four vacancy

Published 1:10 pm Monday, September 11, 2023

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By NOAH WORTHAM | Staff Writer

CHELSEA – The city of Chelsea declared seat four on the City Council as vacant and approved a proclamation for Constitution week during a regularly scheduled City Council meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 5.

Tiffany Bittner previously held seat four on the Chelsea City Council and announced her resignation from the Council on Tuesday, Aug. 15. During the most recent Council meeting, seat four was declared vacant and the city recognized the resignation.

“I was not here at the last Council meeting, I was out of town and I just want to offer my thanks to Tiffany Bittner for her courageous work over six plus years,” Mayor Tony Picklesimer said. “I just want to publicly say, ‘Thank you, Tiffany. I wish you well.’ She moved back home to Leeds where she’s from. I wish her the best in her endeavors there and in her new home.”

Bittner officially left seat four on Friday, Aug. 18 and the council is currently undergoing the process of determining a new candidate to replace the seat for the remaining term at a yet-to-be-determined date.

During the mayor’s report, Picklesimer delivered a proclamation to the Council declaring the week of Sunday, Sept. 23, 2023 as Constitution Week.

“The Constitution of the United States of America, the guardian of our liberties, embodies the principle of limited government and a republic dedicated to rule by law,” Picklesimer said in reading the proclamation. “It is fitting and proper to (accord an) official recognition of this magnificent document, it’s memorable anniversary and to the patriotic celebrations which we all will commemorate on the occasion.”

In other news, the Chelsea City Council approved the following items on the agenda:

  • A resolution to declare property as surplus and authorize its disposal
  • A resolution to accept the Fiscal Year 2022 Audit Report
  • Approval of the city of Chelsea’s bills to be paid

The next regularly scheduled Chelsea City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 19 at 6 p.m.