Helena Magazine

City Hall Faces: Kym Rollan serves as Helena’s building inspections and court clerk

Published 2:17 pm Tuesday, September 19, 2023

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For the last 19 years, Kym Rollan has given back to the city she has called home since 1976 by serving in multiple roles within City Hall. She currently serves as the city’s Building Inspections Clerk and Court Clerk.

“We at the city many times are asked to wear more than one hat to get the jobs completed for our residents,” she said. “So, depending on why you are coming to city hall to see me will depend on which hat I have on.”

A resident of the city for nearly 50 years, Rollan has witnessed ample change within the city limits, including a lot of growth and development, but one thing she has seen remain the same is the type of city Helena remains to this day.

“We have always had a great sense of community in this city and our volunteers are amazing,” Rollan said. “This is what makes our city such an amazing place to live and work.”

Rollan actually moved away from Helena after receiving her master’s in communication science and disorders when she took a corporate job, but she returned home quickly to raise her children in the same place she was raised.

In addition to her work in the city, Rollan loves to volunteer and has worked as a cheerleading coach, spring fling coordinator and Christmas Parade committee member as she continues to give back to her hometown.