Helena Magazine

Sports Q&A with Helena High School athlete Cammi Pugh

Published 4:28 pm Tuesday, October 3, 2023

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Athlete and senior Cammi Pugh talks about her role and involvement with the Helena volleyball team.

How long have you been involved in the sport of volleyball? Do you play any other sports in addition to it?

I have been playing volleyball since I was in the seventh grade. I also play softball and have been playing since I was seven years old.

What do you enjoy most about the sport?

Volleyball is fast paced and is very much a team sport. It’s fun to be surrounded by people that want and need you to succeed more than they want it for themselves.

Are you considering playing volleyball at the college level and beyond?

I am not. I am going to focus on my schoolwork and future career.

With Coach Livingston now leading the program, are you excited about the season as it is getting underway? Are there any aspects of the season or school year you are particularly excited about?

It is a bittersweet feeling, I am so thankful that Coach Liv stepped up for us, she sees a potential in us that we sometimes don’t see in ourselves. I am very excited to begin my senior season with my team, I think we will make a good run, so it’s definitely exciting.

How do you juggle academic responsibilities with your athletic commitments?

At the high school they allow so many resources and ways to succeed in your school and sports, so that has been amazing. But, I’ve also had to learn to manage my time and be responsible with how I use my free time.

Can you share a particularly challenging moment or obstacle you have faced in our volleyball journey? How did you overcome it?

Going into junior year we had a new coaching staff and they wanted me to play a position that I had never played before. It was scary and challenging because I was competiting for a position against girls who had been playing it for years at that point. As the season came around, I ended up surprising myself. I learned that hard work doesn’t go unnoticed, and challenging yourself is a good thing and being surrounded by people that challenge you will only make you better.

What would you like people to know about the dedication and commitment required to excel in your sport?

It takes a lot of commitment and hard work to excel in anything that you do, sometimes you may have to make sacrifices that you don’t want to, but, in the long run, it is worth it.

Outside of sports, what other activities do you take part in and enjoy?

I love spending time with my family and friends.