24e Gym holds annual Pink Party

Published 11:07 am Friday, October 20, 2023

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By BARTON PERKINS | Staff Writer

PELHAM – 24e Gym held its annual Pink Party in support of breast cancer awareness and research on Oct. 10. 

“This year was really special for me,” said Libby Schropp, 24e’s Outreach Director. “I’m an 18-year survivor, and I got to be this year’s keynote speaker.”

Schropp describes the year she was diagnosed with breast cancer as one of the most challenging times in her life. In the scope of one year; she went through a divorce, lost her father to a sudden heart attack and was diagnosed with cancer after two false negative mammograms.

“My story is all about early detection,” Schropp said. “I went for two mammograms, and they told me that they were negative, and so when I kept pressing on, I was like, ‘something’s wrong with me. This is not normal. I’m losing weight; I’m losing hair.’ Finally, they sent me in for a sonogram, and there it was. I had breast cancer all along.”

Schropp was diagnosed with stage one invasive breast cancer, and her subsequent treatment involved six surgeries, including a double mastectomy. 

Ultimately, Schropp attributes her faith as what got her through her battle with cancer.

“I got on my knees that night after I was diagnosed, and I was like, ‘this is just way too much,’” Schropp said. And I felt just this peace while I was on my knees. I just felt that this great peace and god just wrapped his arms around me, and he said, ‘You know actually, it’s gonna be okay.’ And he got me through that time period.”

Today Schropp is an advocate for breast cancer awareness and early detection. Putting on 24e’s Pink Party is one of the most significant ways Schropp brings attention to the disease and gives support to other survivors and those who have been recently diagnosed.

“A Pink Party usually involves a dance class. Usually, it’s Zumba,” Schropp said. “Everybody wears something pink for the month of breast cancer for the breast cancer month. So everybody wore pink, and we decorated the room with pink stuff. It was absolutely gorgeous. It looked like a pink palace.”

Around 50 people showed up for this year’s Pink Party, and $500 was raised for breast cancer research. 

“We’re taking up other donations at the gym through the end of October to combine with that,” Schropp said. “We usually get close to $1,000 every year.”