Alabaster passes FOG ordinance, VFW presents flags to mayor
Published 6:39 pm Tuesday, November 14, 2023
- After an Alabaster City Council meeting, members of the VFW Lance Corporal Rivers Memorial Post 12185 presented flags representing each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces to be flown in the city of Alabaster. (For the Reporter/Neal Wagner)
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By NOAH WORTHAM | Staff Writer
ALABASTER – The Alabaster City Council approved an ordinance relating to fats, oils and greases and approved a change order for renovations to Veterans Park during the first city council meeting held at the new 6:30 p.m. meeting time.
On Nov. 13, the City Council held a public hearing for an ordinance relating to fats, oils and greases (FOG) measures within the city. After receiving no public comment for or against the issue, the Council approved the ordinance.
The approved ordinance regulates the depositing of fats, oils and greases into the municipal wastewater treatment system.
“This was a regulation set forth by the state and the EPA but there is no deburring or enforcement, so therefore the city is going to be the enforcer of these mandates,” Councilmember Greg Farrell said.
According to the ordinance, fats, oils and greases that are disposed into the sanitary sewer system can cool, solidify and combine with other foreign materials and restrict or completely block flow through the sewer lines. When the lines are blocked, wastewater backs up until it overflows from manholes or building plumbing fixtures into storm drains, creeks or buildings.
The ordinance enables the city to inspect and monitor the use of the sanitary sewer system and establishes methods for controlling the introduction of FOG materials.
During the meeting, the city council approved a resolution authorizing a change order in the amount of $107,295 for Veterans Park renovations. The city needed to replace a damaged water line, relocate an existing water line and replace concrete plaza panels.
After the council meeting, members of the VFW Lance Corporal Rivers Memorial Post 12185 presented flags to Mayor Scott Brakefield—representing each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces to flown in the city of Alabaster.
In other news, the Alabaster City Council approved the following items on the agenda:
- An ordinance to amend the name on the last line of Ordinance 180212-056 dated Feb. 26, 2018 from API Alabaster, LLC to API Alabaster, LLC; API Alabaster TWO, LLC; API Highway 31, LLC; and/or Alumni Property & Investments, LLC.
- An ordinance to prezone 2 Dogwood Trail to R-3 Single Family Residential.
- An ordinance for the annexation of 2 Dogwood Trail following prezoning.
- An ordinance amending the business license ordinances as relates to community living facilities within the city.
- A resolution awarding a bid to One Call Services in the amount of $1,575,055 for No. 3 sanitary sewer system rehabilitation.
- A resolution awarding a bid to Southern Civil Contracting, Inc in the amount of $770,757.01 for No.4 sanitary sewer system rehabilitation.
- A resolution adding one substitute clerk position at the Albert L. Scott Library.
- A resolution authorizing the reclassifying of maintenance mechanic and maintenance mechanic supervisors in the city.
The Alabaster City Council also set the following public hearings for Monday, Dec. 13 at 6:30 p.m.:
- An ordinance to rezone property owned by Larry and Patricia Edmondson at 8365 Highway 119 to B-4.
- An ordinance to prezone property of Samuel Brown located at 1104 Kent Dairy Road to R-3 Single Family District
- An annexation request by Samuel Brown for two acres of property at 1104 Kent Diary Road.