Gerrick Wilkins launches congressional campaign

Published 2:39 pm Friday, December 15, 2023

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Gerrick Wilkins, a Republican candidate for congress, announced his congressional campaign on Thursday, Dec. 14, where he will challenge incumbent Gary Palmer in the sixth congressional district.  

Wilkins said he will focus on bringing attention to Palmer’s controversial voting record, particularly his affirmative  vote on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). 

“The NDAA, an extensive omnibus bill exceeding 3,000  pages, has drawn criticism for incorporating provisions that run counter to conservative values,” Wilkins said.

Going on to comment that Congressman Palmer’s support for the NDAA, which included funding for abortion, is a stark departure from the  principles upheld by many conservatives. Wilkins said he firmly believes that taxpayer dollars should not be  allocated to procedures that contradict the deeply held beliefs of a significant portion of the electorate. 

“Furthermore, Palmer’s endorsement of the reauthorization of FISA Section 702 raises concerns about potential  infringements on the privacy rights of American citizens,” Wilkins said. 

Wilkins stated that he is in line with conservative values and advocates for robust safeguards to protect individual liberties. Wilkins also said he will question Palmer’s judgment in supporting  legislation that may compromise privacy rights. 

In particular, Wilkins cited the NDAA which contains provisions indirectly endorsing activities such as drag shows. Wilkins characterizes this as a stance that stands at odds with traditional conservative values, and emphasizes the need for elected officials to prioritize legislation that  aligns with the values and morals of the constituents they represent. 

“I commend Sen. Tommy Tuberville and Congressman Barry Moore for their principled stance in resisting the pressure to  pass this massive and controversial bill without thorough scrutiny,” Wilkins said.

As Wilkins seeks the Republican nomination, he encourages voters to consider the stark differences in values and priorities between himself and Palmer.