Calera Senior Center tributes departed seniors on Christmas

Published 2:17 pm Wednesday, December 27, 2023

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By DONALD MOTTERN | Staff Writer 

CALERA – Some of the Christmas decorations adorning the Calera Senior Center carried a special and meaningful touch to the center’s visitors and workers this Christmas season.

Bo Tolbert, who is the Senior Center’s manager, has been with the center since June, 2004. In the nearly 20 years since, she has known and made an impact on many of the lives of the community’s senior citizens.

This year, in the spirit of the season and remembering those no longer with the community, Tolbert organized an additional Christmas tree at the Senior Center. While the first tree is decorated with the usual festive decorations that have brought joy to the center and its visitors in past years, the second now holds a unique and touching tribute.

This second tree is graced with ornaments featuring photographs of former senior citizens who have now passed away. The ornaments represent Tolbert’s, as well as everyone at the center’s, mission to ensure that their friends and departed members of the community are always remembered and never forgotten.

“I will remember all of my sweet angels who are looking over me and the center,” Tolbert said. “I will remember each and every one of them and the special memories I had with them. We may put the tree away until next year, but I know every one of their memories will be with me through the years.”

As always, Tolbert and those at the Calera Senior Center, want to spread the message that those who are aged 55 and older, or have a loved one of that age, are always welcome at the Calera Senior Center.

“We invite you to start the new year off right by visiting our senior center,” Tolbert said. “(We) are here to welcome you with open arms, making sure you feel valued, cherished and part of a family that cares.”

The Calera Senior Center is located at 15863 Alabama 25 and can be reached at 205-670-9988.